December 18, 2011

Highbrowism and Populism in Tango

Art forms that cater to the preferences, requirements, and educational backgrounds of the general public are known as popular arts. Conversely, highbrow arts are regarded as having cultivated tastes and exceptional skills that exceed those of the general public. Highbrow music, for instance, has limited singers because its range and complexity are beyond the capabilities of most individuals. In contrast, a pop song has a narrower range and simpler technique, making it accessible to everyone.

The belief that intricate and challenging forms of art are inherently better than straightforward and accessible ones, however, is flawed. Painting does not necessarily surpass photography, and pop songs can be just as beautiful as those in opera. In fact, simplicity and ease often result in superior outcomes. Being simple does not equate to being artistically inferior, and being easy does not imply a lack of skill. In truth, attaining simplicity and ease requires a great deal of sophistication. Accomplished artists can execute their work with ease, and those who simplify their craft are often more virtuosic than those who cannot. (See Simple Is Beautiful.)

Individuals who believe in art for art's sake don't understand that arts, particularly popular arts, are for people. What’s the value of a pop song if it is too complex for the general public to enjoy? What's the worth of a social dance if only the elite can dance it? Argentine tango is a social dance. It was created by sailors, gauchos, immigrant workers, and street women. It remains a grassroots dance in Argentina today. Most people who dance tango are ordinary people. They love tango because it is a simple and easy dance that serves their need for connection and affinity with other souls. Those who regard themselves above the crowd try to make tango increasingly intricate and challenging. I don’t think that attempt serves tango well. Tango will continue to evolve as an art form, of course, but transforming it into a highbrow dance akin to ballet is a step in the wrong direction, in my view. The vitality of tango lies in its popularity and sociability, without these qualities, it risks becoming a castle in the air.

"Man is either vulgar or lonely." Schopenhauer's well-known quote can be interpreted in various ways. It can be taken to mean that one should embrace their individuality rather than conforming to the crowd. It can also be interpreted as a warning against becoming too aloof and ending up lonely. Alternatively, it can be seen as a call to balance refined and popular tastes to avoid extremism. Concerning tango, I believe the latter interpretation is more prudent. As a Chinese proverb goes, "Water that is too clear has no fish, and a man who is too high standard has no followers." Schopenhauer's words, therefore, can also be viewed as a cautionary note.


  1. I am sorry, however I must respectfully disagree with your analysis. Yes, tango is a social dance, however it does have basic rules and technique that is aimed at human physiology, so as to enable competent dancing and use of steps. You are right that one may spend more or less time on technique, however tango, and all other dancing as well, social or not, comes down to body awareness and body conditioning. The technique that exists is not for show or arbitrary; it is there by necessity, to enable clean movement and to reduce risks of injury.

    As a social dancer myself, I can attest to the fact that one does not need to spend countless hours to improve one's dancing; a few hours of hard work and attention on the body a week, plus some youtube videos as guides, have done much for my dancing.

    The problem is a matter of the ecosystem; teachers need to get paid, and teaching steps instead of technique is the general way to do this. Add to the fact that most dancers are simply unaware of how tango works holistically and conceptually, since of course its a new environment for them, and this is a recipe for disaster as far as social dancing is concerned.

    I agree that tango should not be hijacked and made an inherent property of caste, as opera and much of classical music has become unfortunately, however it strikes me that you are going to the other extreme and excusing deficiencies in dancing as reflecting the popular will, rather than it being a failure of the tango ecosystem.

    P.S By all means correct any misconceptions I have with your OP.

    1. Thank you for your wonderful complement. I totally agree with you.
