Tango is not only a fascinating dance but also a fascinating philosophy, culture and lifestyle. The search of tango is the search of connection, love, fellowship, unity, harmony and beauty, i.e., an idealism that is not consistent with the dehumanizing reality of the modern world. The world divides us into individuals, but tango unites us into a team, community and species. In tango we are not individualists, feminists, nationalists, Democrats, Republicans, etc., but interconnected and interdependent members of the human family. Tango calls us to tear down the walls, to build bridges, and to regain humanity through altruism, connection, cooperation, accommodation, and compromise. It is a dance that teaches the world to love.

October 10, 2024

Tango and Trust

Trust forms the foundation of human social life, acting as the glue that binds us together in relationships and society. Our need for trust stems from our personal limitations, vulnerabilities, and interdependence as individuals. Humans, as inherently social beings, seek trust-based connections, which enable cooperation, teamwork, and physical and emotional support. Trust fulfills not only practical needs, such as working together for survival and success, but also emotional needs, like overcoming loneliness and feeling accepted and safe. It serves as a vital mechanism for managing personal vulnerability, forming bonds, exchanging support, and maintaining social harmony. We long to trust others and to be trusted in return. Without trust, we would struggle alone, unable to cope with these fundamental aspects of the human condition.

Tango, in particular, satisfies this need for trust, which is one of the reasons for its enduring popularity. As a dance of intimacy, connection, and surrender, tango is not just about enjoyment or performance. It offers a refuge from loneliness, a space to reveal vulnerability, and an opportunity to seek comfort in another person. In tango, we seek to touch and be touched, to rely on someone's shoulder, and to quench our thirst for connection and love. Dancing tango requires complete trust between partners, so that they can fully engage and immerse themselves in the experience. Tango heals psychologically by allowing us to expose our vulnerability and inner selves in the embrace. This exposure or openness requires trust. Without it, dancers cannot give themselves completely, nor can they reap the emotional and psychological rewards of the dance.

On a practical level, trust is equally essential in tango because this dance relies on close physical contact, mutual reliance, and non-verbal communication to execute the movements, requiring dancers to be physically and mentally attuned to each other and trust that their partner is always there for support. If trust is lacking, dancers can become self-conscious and tense, holding back emotionally and hesitating to let go. Unfortunately, the lack of trust remains a main problem in our tango.

One key reason people struggle with tango is a broader crisis of trust that reflects deeper societal issues. The decline of trust in American society stems from factors such as rampant individualism, economic instability, increased stress and competition, rising inequality, business fraud, cybercrime, partisan fights, ideological war, and media-driven misinformation, etc. These forces create an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. American culture prioritizes self-reliance, individual achievement, and personal success. People often focus more on their own needs and strategies than on moral considerations and collective well-being. This heightens tension, competition, and mistrust between individuals. As people face economic hardships, political divisions, and deceit in various aspects of life, they become wary, fearing guile, manipulation and betrayal. This pervasive lack of trust seeps into personal interactions, making it difficult to surrender to the vulnerability that tango demands. When we don’t trust, we disengage, choosing alienation and control over connection and cooperation.

Tango offers profound lessons on the importance of trust. In a world where trust is increasingly fragile, this intimate dance reminds us that human connection and cooperation are only possible when we trust each other. By embracing trust on the dance floor, we may rediscover the key to restoring it in the wider world. Confucius regarded benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust as basic human qualities. Tango, with its emphasis on trust, can serve as a powerful tool for rebuilding our faith in these qualities and in humanity. Through this dance of intimacy, connection, and surrender, we can relearn how to trust and rely on one another. Tango teaches us the joy that arises from surrendering control in the right context, reminding us that not every situation requires us to be in charge. Sometimes, perhaps more often, the most fulfilling experiences come from trusting each other and moving in harmony together.

August 6, 2024

The Impact of Chinese Characters

Chinese characters are one of the most ingenious inventions of the Chinese people. China is a vast country the size of Europe. Two-thirds of China's total area is mountainous. In ancient times when transportation was underdeveloped, different regions were relatively isolated from each other, leading to the formation of numerous local dialects. People speaking different dialects could not communicate with each other. (See Tango Is a Language (II).)

To enable communication, the clever Chinese people invented Chinese characters, a system of ideograms. Each character represents a meaning rather than a sound. This way, people from different regions can still communicate through the written system despite their different pronunciations.

The disadvantage of Chinese characters is that they are difficult to learn. A person needs to master over three thousand characters to be considered educated. The complexity of the characters and large number of them pose significant challenges to literacy, as learning them demands considerable effort and time.

However, the advantage of Chinese characters is that they provide a unified communication tool for people who speak different dialects. Without Chinese characters, China would have fragmented into many countries like Europe. The common written language has played a crucial role in maintaining the unity and cohesion of the Chinese nation throughout its long history. It has allowed for the centralized administration of a vast and diverse country, facilitated trade and cultural exchange, and fostered a shared identity among the Chinese people.

In addition, Chinese characters have been pivotal in preserving the integrity of Chinese culture. Western languages that use the Roman alphabet are more prone to foreign influences. English, for instance, adds approximately 1,000 new words annually. This linguistic mutability contributes to the instability of Western society. In contrast, the Chinese language is much more stable and resistant to external influences. Its words and phrases are built from characters, making learning and coining new terms simpler once these characters are mastered. This distinctive character-based system has preserved the uniqueness and purity of Chinese culture. In many ways, Chinese language is the bedrock of Chinese civilization, with characters acting as its vessels. The enduring brilliance of Chinese culture is largely owed to the timelessness of its written script. Besides, Chinese characters as calligraphy contain beauty, become an art form in themselves, and profoundly influence the aesthetics of Chinese people.

As ideograms, Chinese characters carry meanings and values, such as benevolence (仁), propriety (禮), and filial piety (孝). China, with its long history, has a wealth of classical literature. A large number of Chinese words, idioms, concepts and expressions still used by modern Chinese people can find their origins in these classics. Understanding them requires some background knowledge. For example, the character 信 contains two parts: on the left is 人 (man), on the right is 言 (word). 信 means a man should keep his words, as Confucius said, "Man cannot succeed without good faith (人無信不立)." Chinese children learn their language by studying Chinese characters and texts, which encapsulate the wisdom of countless generations, embedding moral values and social sagacity within the very fabric of the language. Learning Chinese instills in students an appreciation of their cultural heritage and traditional values. This deep connection between language, history, culture and values gives educated Chinese a unique character. I often feel that the Chinese people are fortunate because their language makes them a wise, cohesive, collectivist, cooperative, moderate, and moral people.

In summary, the impact of Chinese characters on Chinese society is profound and multifaceted. They have not only facilitated communication, but also maintained national unity. The shared written language helps preserve cultural heritage and values, reinforcing social cohesion and national identity. Moreover, the moral principles and social values conveyed through Chinese characters and classical texts continue to influence contemporary Chinese society, guiding behavior and social interactions. The enduring legacy of Chinese characters is a testament to the ingenuity of the Chinese people and their ability to adapt while remaining who they are in a complex and changing world. (See Understanding China: Geography, Confucianism, and Chinese-Style Modernization.)

May 12, 2024

The Advantages of Simplicity versus Flashy Movements

Tango that best conveys the essence of the music and the emotions of the dancers is mostly danced with simple steps. This is because tango is fundamentally a conversation between two souls rather than the execution of complex movements. Simple steps enable dancers to immerse themselves in the nuances of the music and the depths of the emotions, fostering a deeper connection and inward focus that allow for more meaningful communications. True beauty emanates from within, lying in the connection, feelings, agreement and harmony between the partners. These qualities are better reflected in Zen-like simplicity rather than noisy movements. In fact, people in general prefer simplicity to complexity. The best art often is that which contains the richest content in the most concise form. Complex Chinese characters are simplified in actual use. A house simply decorated is more pleasant than that cluttered with ostentatious ornaments. In dancing, simple movements look more elegant than intricate figures. Artistic simplicity is among the most important principles in aesthetics, which can achieve unexpected, often superior results. (See Simple Is Beautiful.)

Conversely, performances that prioritize flashy movements often appear artificial and frivolous. Intricate footwork and elaborate choreography obscure the essence of tango, diverting dancers' attention away from fully engaging with the music, feelings, and the partner. The focus on choreographed flashy movements can hinder dancers' ability to respond intuitively to changes in the music and their partner's cues, leading to a performance that feels disconnected, contrived, cluttered, and superficial rather than spontaneous, authentic, vibrant, and expressive. The following is a sample.

Although this seems to be an extreme case, flaunt and ostentation are not uncommon in tango. In our contemporary culture, where gaudiness and pretense abound, it's important for tango enthusiasts to resist the urge to show off and instead focus on what truly matters: the music and the connection with the partner. By keeping things simple, minimizing the frills, and sticking to simple steps, dancers can create a tango experience that is much more intimate, soulful and satisfying. After all, it's not about putting on a show - it's about sharing a moment, heart to heart. (See Embracing Elegance.)

April 18, 2024

Embracing Elegance

The beauty of tango can be roughly divided into two categories: elegant and fancy. Elegance incorporates naturalness, simplicity, refinement and decorum, creating a sense of grace, balance, calm, sophistication and harmony. Fanciness is characterized by garishness, flamboyance and frivolity, reflected in elaborate footwork, intricate movements and excessive embellishments. While both elegance and fanciness have their place in tango and each can contribute to the richness and diversity of the dance, in our current culture that celebrates superficiality and ostentation, embracing elegance seems to take on even greater significance. (See Paola Tacchetti.)

Tango at its essence is a dialogue between two souls, requiring the focus on feelings rather than impression. That's why the most popular style of tango, tango milonguero, prioritizes elegance over fanciness. Elegance in tango is a reflection of inner harmony and a deep understanding of the dance. In its simplicity lies an inward focus that speaks to the heart and resonates with the soul. While the allure of showcasing flashy moves and intricate footwork may seem irresistible, true mastery of tango lies in the pursuit of elegance. (See The Advantages of Simplicity versus Flashy Movements.)

For dancers striving to transcend mere performance and elevate their artistry, embracing elegance is not just a choice - it's a journey towards deeper inner experience and timeless beauty. Unlike fleeting trends or transient fads, elegance endures through the ages, leaving an indelible imprint on both the dancer and the observer. When we watch a truly elegant tango performance, we are captivated not by the complexity of the steps, but by the sheer beauty and grace emanating from the dancers' inner selves.

But perhaps the most compelling reason to embrace elegance is its transformative effect on the dancers. As we cultivate an elegant style, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. We learn to let go of ego-driven desire to impress and instead focus on deepening our connection with the partner, the music, and ourselves. In the quest for elegance, we learn the invaluable lesson of restraint - the art of doing less to achieve more. By stripping away excess embellishments and focusing on the purity of natural movement, we uncover the true essence of tango and experience a newfound sense of authenticity and depth. We discover that true beauty lies not in the outward display of skills, but in the inward journey of music, connection and interaction with another soul. (See True Beauty Comes from Within.)

So, to all tango dancers who aspire to transcend the ordinary and reach for the extraordinary, remember the words of Audrey Hepburn: "Elegance is the only beauty that never fades." Embrace it, embody it, and let it guide you on your journey to becoming a master of the dance. (See The Elegance of the Milonguero Style.)

February 15, 2024

Ismael Choreography

Ismael Heljalil (1929-2018) was a revered figure within the milonguero community, known for his kind nature and gentle demeanor. Though details about his life remain scarce, his legacy endures through the dance videos he left behind, offering glimpses into his gentle character and profound love for tango. (Please click the link to watch on YouTube.)

What distinguishes Ismael Heljalil from his peers is his distinctive choreography, characterized by a seamless fusion of rock, retreats and rotations. A hallmark of his style is the rock steps with the left leg as the fulcrum to place his right leg behind, culminating in a graceful pivoting to the right.

While this movement can be mirrored with the left leg, Ismael's preference leans towards the right, showcasing his comfort and mastery with his signature spin.

Another notable move involves rocking the right leg back, pivoting to the left while shifting weight to his left leg, and then stepping the right leg forward. As his weight is now on the right leg, he can either continue walking in circles to the left, or step back with his left leg and pivot to the left. No one can alternate right and left turns with backward and forward steps as seamlessly as Ismael does. This remarkable ability hinges on his unparalleled musicality.

In essence, Ismael's dance style is characterized by a continuous rotation anchored in backward motion, skillfully blending elements of rock, back steps, and turns. This unique approach sets him apart, inspiring many to emulate his technique, yet few can truly replicate his finesse. What is difficult to copy is not his footwork, of course, but his comprehension of music, underscoring the depth of skill possessed by the master himself.

"If God could dance, he would dance like Ismael. He masterfully improvises what he feels in the moment. He walks, and oh…how he walks with intimate knowledge of every phrase and nuance of the music from his soul." - Jantango