Tango is not only a fascinating dance but also a fascinating philosophy, culture and lifestyle. The search of tango is the search of connection, love, fellowship, unity, harmony and beauty, i.e., an idealism that is not consistent with the dehumanizing reality of the modern world. The world divides us into individuals, but tango unites us into a team. In tango we are not individualists, feminists, nationalists, Democrats, Republicans, etc., but interconnected and interdependent members of the human family. Tango calls us to tear down the walls, to build bridges, and to regain humanity through altruism, connection, cooperation, accommodation, and compromise. It is a dance that teaches the world to love.

February 6, 2024

Philosophies that Separate Two Worlds

Chinese philosophy embraces a holistic perspective, seeing the world as an interconnected whole instead of a collection of disparate parts. It recognizes contradictions but emphasizes that harmony ultimately prevails, with opposing forces being linked, dependent on each other, and often working together. Humanity, in this view, isn’t just about individuals but about communities, where success comes from working together. At its heart, this philosophy values unity, balance, and harmony, avoiding unnecessary conflict and focusing on cooperation and coexistence (see Understanding China: Yellow River and the Character of the Chinese Nation).

Rooted in collectivist humanism, as opposed to the individualistic humanism of the West, Chinese philosophy puts the well-being of society ahead of individual interests, stressing the importance of social harmony based on public morality. Human rights in this context go beyond personal entitlements - they include the collective good, prioritizing peaceful coexistence and fair living conditions for everyone. It seeks to eliminate injustice, inequality, exploitation, and crime. Chinese law protects personal freedoms within legal boundaries, including the right to pursue wealth, but places restrictions on special interests to safeguard the interests of all people (see Understanding China: Geography, Confucianism, and Chinese-Style Modernization).

Economically, China advocates for "common prosperity" through a mixed model combining state-owned enterprises, private businesses, and market mechanisms. This approach encourages personal initiative while ensuring a balance between the successful and the general population. It aims to blend market-driven growth with social equity, with the state stepping in to make sure capital doesn’t harm broader societal interests.

Politically, China emphasizes the role of the state in fostering unity, managing differences, protecting the vulnerable, building infrastructure, and promoting the common good. It champions national unity and democratic centralism, rejecting decentralization and partisan divides. China's democracy is described as a "people's democracy." It focuses on consensus-building through consultation, as opposed to the competitive, often divisive, nature of Western electoral democracy. It is also described as a "whole-process democracy," where citizens are involved in policymaking, implementation, and oversight. Decisions affecting people's lives are carefully deliberated and implemented with public input. By avoiding partisan strife, Chinese politics operates without catering to special interests, aiming to build an egalitarian and harmonious society where shared prosperity and happiness are prioritized.

On the global stage, China follows five key principles: mutual respect for sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. It promotes international cooperation, peaceful development, global common prosperity, and the creation of a community with a shared future for humanity.

In contrast, Western thought often breaks the world down into separate, competing entities. Western individualism sees humans as independent actors with clashing interests, drawing on Darwinian ideas like the "struggle for existence" and "survival of the fittest." This perspective encourages a "law of the jungle" mindset, where defeating or suppressing opponents is considered essential for survival (see Darwinism and Confucianism). Western culture emphasizes self-reliance, individual achievement, and personal success. People often focus more on their own needs and strategies than on moral considerations and collective well-being. The Western human rights rhetoric is highly deceptive. While ostensibly promoting universal freedom, it in fact only serves a privileged minority, enabling them to exploit competitive advantages to defeat the disadvantaged majority, thereby controlling legislation, the economy, media, military affairs, and foreign policy to benefit themselves.

Economically, the West leans heavily on capitalism, self-interest, and competition. While this approach can spur growth in the short term, it often leads to unchecked greed, inequality, and social injustice, allowing capital to dominate national interests, benefitting only a small elite at the expense of broader society. The result is that the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and for most people, freedom has become an illusion. This unbalanced approach will ultimately hollow out the economy, triggering systemic failures (see America Is in Big Trouble).

Politically, Western elites employ Machiavellian tactics and engage in partisan fights, fostering social division and polarization. Western democracy is merely a formal form of democracy, driven by partisan interests, sensationalism, empty promises and ideological nonsense. Politicians funded by special interests work more for their donors than for ordinary citizens, leaving voters with limited influence beyond casting a ballot every few years (see Democracy vs. Plutocracy).

In global affairs, Western elites often adopt a hegemonic mindset, employing strategies like divide and conquer, imposing unilateral sanctions, inciting conflicts, and waging wars. These actions disrupt global stability and create turmoil around the world. The success of the West historically hinges on the conquest, colonization, genocide, exploitation, and plunder of weaker nations.

For a long time, the Chinese struggled to comprehend Western behaviors, yet they have now come to understand its underlying logic. Unless Western plutocrats alter their philosophical outlook, global peace remains elusive. This sentiment was succinctly expressed by the Chinese delegation during the Sino-US talks in Alaska: "We overestimated you and assumed you would adhere to basic diplomatic norms. We must clarify our stance: You lack the authority to assert dominance over China." Despite the potential dangers inherent in this worldview, Western plutocrats are unlikely to relinquish it. It may require the collapse of the existing paradigm before humanity can aspire to construct a new world.

Thankfully, it’s becoming increasingly clear which philosophy holds more promise for humanity. The world is undergoing unprecedented transformations. The ascent of China and the decline of the West have given countries in the Global South renewed hope, allowing them to glimpse a possible new world order characterized by civilized values, peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, equality, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation - an alternative to the current system dominated by self-interest, inequality, bullying, exploitation, aggression and war (see Pluralism vs. Monism).

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