Tango is not only a fascinating dance but also a fascinating philosophy, culture and lifestyle. The search of tango is the search of connection, love, fellowship, unity, harmony and beauty, i.e., an idealism that is not consistent with the dehumanizing reality of the modern world. The world divides us into individuals, but tango unites us into a team, community and species. In tango we are not individualists, feminists, nationalists, Democrats, Republicans, etc., but interconnected and interdependent members of the human family. Tango calls us to tear down the walls, to build bridges, and to regain humanity through altruism, connection, cooperation, accommodation, and compromise. It is a dance that teaches the world to love.

January 26, 2024

Understanding China: Yellow River and the Character of the Chinese Nation

China is a vast country the size of Europe. Two-thirds of China's total area is mountainous, with a topography that is high in the west and low in the east. The west of China is composed of many mountain ranges with altitudes exceeding 5,000 meters, among them the highest Himalayas are 8,848 meters above sea level. The east gradually drops to a plain below 50 meters above sea level. The Yellow River originates from the Bayan Har Mountain with an altitude of 5,369 meters, located in Qinghai Province. This second longest river in China crosses the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Loess Plateau, Inner Mongolia Plateau, and North China Plain from west to east, and finally flows into the Bohai Sea. Its drainage area reaches 795,000 square kilometers, covering Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong nine provinces.

Millions of years ago, east of the Taihang Mountains in central North China (box in map below) was the ocean. The North China Plain (the upper two thirds of the green area below) was formed by the accumulation of sediment from the Yellow River over millions of years. The middle section of the Yellow River flows through the Loess Plateau, carrying a large amount of sediment. It transports 1.6 billion tons of sediment downstream every year, about a quarter of which remains on land, and the rest washes into the Bohai Sea. The silt deposited in the lower reaches of the Yellow River gradually raises the riverbed. Every once in a while, the Yellow River will change its course due to the blockage of large amounts of sediment. Wherever the terrain is low, that's where the diverted river will flow, bringing sediment with it. For millions of years, sediment from the Yellow River has filled the low areas back and forth, created the vast North China Plain, which is larger than the area of Britain. Today, the Yellow River is still reclaiming land from the sea and constantly pushing the coastline eastward. Scientists estimated that the Bohai Sea will be filled in within a few hundred years, further expanding the North China Plain.

Archeology has discovered that eight thousand years ago, people already lived in this plain created by the Yellow River. The North China Plain has always been the most densely populated, economically and culturally prosperous region in China due to its fertile soil, temperate climate, and abundant rainfall brought by the maritime monsoon, making this region suitable for agriculture. The Yellow River nourishes the people living on this plain, but it also brings them disasters. As the riverbed rises, people need to constantly strengthen the river embankments to protect farmland and settlements on both sides. As a result, the riverbed gradually rises above the ground, and in some areas is even 5-10 meters above the ground, turning the river into a hanging river. Once the embankment breaks, it will cause a devastating disaster, washing away everything in its path. Historical records show that in the past 2,500 years, the Yellow River burst and flooded 1,593 times, and had major diversions 26 times. Every time the Yellow River bursts and floods, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people are killed and displaced. The Yellow River flood of 1897, due to political unrest and disrepair, killed two million (some say seven million) people. River management has never stopped since ancient times. Perhaps no other populace in the world experiences such a complex love-hate dynamic with their mother river as the Chinese. They express gratitude for her nourishing while harboring resentment for her harshness. But it is precisely with her rugged character that the Yellow River has cultivated the perseverance, tenacity, hard work, and resilience of the Chinese people.

Chinese parents tend to use strict discipline to train children so that they can learn to face the severe challenges of life. This is not unrelated to the fact that they themselves grew up under the temper of the Yellow River. Westerners who embrace individualism emphasize protecting children's individuality and independence. Chinese parents pay attention to cultivating children's perseverance, endurance and team spirit. Such education is closely related to their harsh living environment. In front of the Yellow River, individuals are insignificant. Controlling the Yellow River relies on collective strength. Therefore, Chinese philosophy emphasizes collectivism and teamwork. Western philosophy conceptualizes individuals as independent actors, giving precedence to personal interests over collective concerns. Chinese philosophy perceives individuals as interconnected and interdependent members of society with a common destiny and shared interests and responsibilities. This prioritization of collective concerns over individual interests is influenced by their shared burden imposed by the Yellow River.

The fertile, rich and troubled land of the lower reaches of the Yellow River makes the people living on this land not only enjoy the blessings of the Yellow River, but also face the challenges it brings. This paradox has nurtured the dialectical thinking of the Chinese people. The Chinese do not perceive things in stark black and white terms like many Westerners often do. They recognize that opposing qualities juxtapose in all things, akin to the natures of the Yellow River and humans themselves, and that good fortune and misfortune hinge on each other (祸福相依). This awareness empowers them to approach the complexities of life with composure, remain vigilant during peaceful times, and discern opportunities within challenges. Chinese philosophy opposes simplistic and extreme thinking like individualism, feminism, Darwinism, unipolarism, hegemonism, and zero-sum game, and believes that harmony, balance and moderation are more in line with the laws of nature in which diverse things complement each other and coexist like the two sexes. The Chinese adhere to the doctrine of the mean, seeking unity in oppositions and balance in differences. This seemingly meek position allows the Chinese to live in harmony with an environment that is both contradictory and integrated. Confucius' teaching that "a gentleman does not form factions," the Confucian stance of not taking sides, and the Chinese people's refusal to participate in Western-style partisan politics, these are all due to the wisdom given to the Chinese people by the Yellow River. (See Meeting in the Middle.)

Managing China's huge population and making them act in a unified manner to carry out large projects like regulating the Yellow River, which involves vast areas of land, huge amounts of manpower, enormous resources, comprehensive planning, and the joint efforts of the whole country, require a unified, centralized government with strong planning and organizational capabilities. The Chinese people’s emphasis on political stability is also closely related to the need to regulate the Yellow River, which requires a stable and functional government. In fact, China's state power was born out of the need to control the Yellow River. Dayu, the founder of the Xia Dynasty (about 2070 BC - about 1600 BC), the first dynasty recorded in Chinese history, was the heroic organizer who led the people to regulate the Yellow River. With thousands of years of experiences, the Chinese have mastered the way of mobilizing and organizing the masses, and have trained themselves into the most organized, disciplined, and well-managed people, making this nation extremely resilient, able to face the most severe challenges. The Western political model based on individualism and partisan politics, in which different interest groups fight against each other and take turns in power, may serve the special interests, but does not fit with China's national conditions.

In summary, the character, thought, culture, and political framework of the Chinese nation are inextricably intertwined with the Yellow River. This influential river shapes the people under her nurture to embody qualities of magnanimity, generosity, kindness, solidarity, sophistication, and resilience - reminiscent of the attributes of their mother river. A nation that has withstood such severe challenges for many millennia and continuously defeated them is invincible and cannot be underestimated. (See Understanding China: Geography, Confucianism, and the Chinese-Style Modernization.)

January 17, 2024

Paola Tacchetti

Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), a Confucian scholar from the Northern Song Dynasty (AD 960-1127), wrote a beautiful essay, On the Love of Lotus. The following is the English translation.

"There are many kinds of lovely flowers and plants. Tao Yuanming of the Jin Dynasty only loved chrysanthemums. Since the Tang Dynasty, affection for peonies has become a fashion. But my favorite is the lotus, which comes out of the mud but not stained, washed by clear waves but not looking coquettish. An emblem of purity, modesty and perfection, it stands there quietly, allowing its fragrance to waft far - something to be regarded reverently from a distance, and not be profaned. To me, chrysanthemum is the hermit among flowers, peony is the plutocrat among flowers, and lotus is the gentleman among flowers. Alas, few have loved the chrysanthemum since Tao Yuanming, and none love the lotus like myself, whereas the peony is a favorite with many people."

I was reminded of this essay when I watched Paola Tacchetti dance tango. I only saw her dance once many years ago in Buenos Aires. She was still very young at the time, dancing socially at Salon Canning. In a pool of sophisticated dancers, she was like a fresh lotus protruding from the water. Her partner, a prominent milonguero, kissed her hand to express his admiration for her after they danced, which left a deep impression on me.

Recently, I was reminded of the essay again when I watched some Paola Tacchetti's dancing videos taken around the same time. I like her style because she is a natural, without any pretense. Her dance has a pure and intrinsic beauty that is in sharp contrast to the affected fashion of today. Such innocent dance style is rare nowadays.

Tango conveys a person's character, values, aesthetics and taste. True beauty is gentlemanly - natural, simple, implicit and genuine, rather than pretentious and conceited. I hope the prose quoted above can inspire more dancers to become like Paola Tacchetti, especially in this age of ostentation and artiness.

January 5, 2024

Learning from a Talented Tango Girl

I was impressed by the skills, grace, musicality and control this little girl displayed in her dance, and believe adult dancers can learn something from her.

Here are few highlights from this dance.

Salida with forward step (0:07-0:14)
In a normal salida, the two partners step in parallel to the same side. But in this case the man alone took a side step to the left, while the girl swiveled her hips and took a forward rather than side step with her right leg, enabling her left leg to take another forward step and pivot, and her right leg to do a slow and beautiful planeo.

Split-leg turn and sandwich (0:26-0:31)
Most adult dancers do not spread their legs like a compass when turning, but this girl does that a lot, and she does it often in a reduced speed, adding grace to her dance. In this example, her split-leg turn is followed by a pause as the man sandwithed her, she then collected her leg and did a delicious curtsy, all executed flawlessly.

Barrida (0:33-0:36, 1:32-1:37)
The girl stepped forward with her right leg (or in the second case stepped back with her left leg) to allow the man to do a barrida - sweeping her right leg to the right with his right leg. She followed by collecting her left leg until it touched his right foot, then crossing over to land on the other side of his foot. Barrida is generally an unobtrusive move, but her execution left an impression on me, mainly due to her control over the speed of the movement.

Ocho in slow motion (0:36-0:41)
Here the girl did an ocho at a deliberately slower pace. She knows how to dance fast, but she chooses to do some moves in slow motion, showing very good judgment. Most adult dancers don't care if they actually draw an 8 on the floor when they do ocho, but this girl did just that carefully, making her ocho particularly beautiful.

Planeo (0:43-0:45)
This is another elegant planeo, also executed in slow motion. Adult dancers tend to exaggerate their movements, such as lowering the knee to create a larger planeo that is close to the ground. But this girl's movements all look natural, without exaggeration, and the result is better, in my opinion, with more natural and innocent beauty.

Moving backwards with front ocho (1:40-1:45)
Here is another example she drew 8 at a slower pace, this time using greater hip rotation, so that she could move backward while doing front ocho. Most adult dancers turn too hastily, so their ocho lacks the beauty it deserves. But this girl is particularly good at using slow motion to show the grace of her movements, espcially when involving rotation like ocho and planeo, demonstrating excellent musicality, control and aesthetic sense.

Sandwich (2:10-2:19)
Another sandwich in slow motion with a captivating deep knee flexion.

Overall, I was very impressed by this little girl's sophistication, or rather, her talent. I hope that adult dancers can learn the ease with which she dances, in particular, learn to slow down the pace when doing turns, pivots, ochos, and planeos, because, as this little girl demonstrated, that will add grace to the dance. This means that leaders also need to slow down the pace to allow women to infuse elegance to their performance.