Tango is not only a fascinating dance but also a fascinating philosophy, culture and lifestyle. The search of tango is the search of connection, love, fellowship, unity, harmony and beauty, i.e., an idealism that is not consistent with the dehumanizing reality of the modern world. The world divides us into individuals, but tango unites us into a team, community and species. In tango we are not individualists, feminists, nationalists, Democrats, Republicans, etc., but interconnected and interdependent members of the human family. Tango calls us to tear down the walls, to build bridges, and to regain humanity through altruism, connection, cooperation, accommodation, and compromise. It is a dance that teaches the world to love.

December 14, 2011

Tango and Romanticism

Romanticism is a cultural and artistic movement that emerged in the late 18th century in celebration of the human spirit, emphasizing emotion, imagination, heroism, romance, and idealism. This movement arose as a response to the dehumanizing effects of industrialization, which prioritized mechanization and efficiency over the intricacies of human experience. Romanticism sought to reclaim the depth of human connection, the beauty of individual expression, and the power of emotions. Its influence on literature, art, and culture has been both enduring and transformative.

In our postmodern world, where the focus often shifts towards modernity, technology, and superficiality rather than humanity and authenticity, the principles of Romanticism hold even greater significance. This is particularly true for tango, a dance form inherently intertwined with the expression of longing, connection, and the intricate relationship between the two sexes. Tango was created not merely as a form of entertainment, but as a deeply expressive medium for the yearnings and desires that lie at the core of human experience. Tango captures the essence of romanticism, making it a dance of dreams, aspirations, and emotional connection. (See Tango Is the Search of a Dream.)

Critics often lament that certain tango performances have devolved into mere displays of gymnastics or acrobatics, where the focus is on physical prowess and spectacle rather than the intimate, emotional connection that defines true tango. While gymnastics and acrobatics are impressive in their own right, they emphasize technical skill, strength, and entertainment value. In contrast, tango is fundamentally about the relationship between the partners - their connection, emotional interaction, and the communication of feelings. Tango is evocative of a beautiful romance, mirroring the dynamics of a real-life relationship where the two partners face all kinds of challenges but remain united, connected, supportive, and inseparable. At its core, tango is imbued with the spirit of romanticism, standing in stark contrast to the athletic spectacle of gymnastics and acrobatics. Tango dancers, therefore, should focus on the human spirit and experience, placing emphasis on relationship, connection, emotion, and the communication of feelings, rather than on the execution of physical tricks. (See The Conceptional Beauty of Tango.)

If romanticism is stripped from tango, what remains is merely a sport or a show - a hollow performance devoid of the emotional richness and depth that defines the dance. Unfortunately, in a culture increasingly dominated by games over classics, sports over arts, and technologies over humanity, tango risks losing its essence. Many individuals raised in this culture exhibit a lack of depth and lasting quality, focusing only on flashy forms and constantly seeking change and novelty without appreciating the substance that makes tango timeless.

To preserve the classic beauty of tango, it is imperative that we infuse more romanticism into our teaching and dancing. This means prioritizing simplicity and naturalness, valuing elegance over flashy tricks, and striving to convey genuine emotions and feelings through the dance. While fashion trends may come and go, romanticism is a timeless aspect of our humanity. It endures, waiting to be rekindled, and when brought to life in tango, it transforms the dance into a powerful expression of human connection and emotion that resonates across time. (See Embracing Elegance.)

1 comment:

  1. Paul,
    I read everyone of your articles here and I love everything you have to say. It is as though you read my mind. As I read your blog, I find myself thinking "Yes! that's what I mean! that's exactly what the problem is!..". It is as though we are on the same wavelength.

    The problem is I know tango communities where even though they know about these issues, they would ignore it, go on about their business as usual. It is so sad that in our society we are so gravitate toward instant gratification, don't want to cultivate anything that is hard but meaningful.
    Thank so much for sharing your thought.

    With regard,
