Tango is not only a fascinating dance but also a fascinating philosophy, culture and lifestyle. The search of tango is the search of connection, love, fellowship, unity, harmony and beauty, i.e., an idealism that is not consistent with the dehumanizing reality of the modern world. The world divides us into individuals, but tango unites us into a team, community and species. In tango we are not individualists, feminists, nationalists, Democrats, Republicans, etc., but interconnected and interdependent members of the human family. Tango calls us to tear down the walls, to build bridges, and to regain humanity through affinity, altruism, cooperation, and accommodation. It is a dance that teaches the world to love.

October 10, 2020

The Lessons of Tango

Broadening your horizons, or being petty, the results are different.

Zooming out to see the whole picture, or zooming in to see yourself as everything, the resresults are different.

Thinking from the perspective of the team, or thinking from the perspective of your self, the results are different.

Prioritizing unity, or prioritizing individuality, the results are different.

Focusing on what's in common, or focusing on the differences, the results are different.

Being compassionate, or being egocentric, the results are different.

Taking the concerns of others into account, or rejecting different views, the results are different.

Being agreeable, or being disagreeable, the results are different.

Cooperating, or being uncooperative, the results are different.

Accommodating with each other, or fighting with each other, the results are different.

Being one with your partner, or being yourself only, the results are different.

Willing to make concessions, or having your own way, the results are different.

Being moderate and balanced, or being extreme and aggressive, the results are different.

Working for the common cause, or working for your own self-interest, the results are different.

Striving to achieve oneness and harmony, or striving to win competition, the results are different.

Win-win cooperation, or zero-sum game, the results are different.

Peaceful coexistence, or the law of the jungle, the results are different.

The former reflects the nobleness of humanity, the latter reflects its despicableness.

The former is the result of enlightenment, the latter is the manifestation of ignorance.

The former, which is germane to tango, leads to a better world.

The latter, pertinent to individualism, leads to dissension, disunity, polarity, conflicts, and failure as a nation.

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